7 Things To Do In Athens (That Aren't The Acropolis)

7 Things To Do In Athens (That Aren't The Acropolis)

Unpopular opinion: I really like the city of Athens. As Greece’s massive, sprawling capital, most visitors on their summer holidays simply spend one night at the beginning or end of their Greek island getaway. If you have the time to spend a few nights or more in Athens, and you like cities in general, you won’t be disappointed. I assume while you’re in the city you’ll already be visiting the Acropolis, so here are seven other things to do in Athens!

4 Cool Places To Eat in Athens, Greece

4 Cool Places To Eat in Athens, Greece

Athens is a city that plays a major role in world history and has plenty of charm to suit visitors beyond the history today. From the Plaka area to the popular Monastiraki neighborhood, this city has much to offer people visiting during a trip to Greece. But what about Athens' food scene? It's quite good! Here are four cool places to eat in Athens to check out if you're visiting soon.

2022 Annual Travel Year In Review

2022 Annual Travel Year In Review

Happy New Year! Since I traveled so much last year, this recap is a little lengthy! I spent 8 months abroad in total and was in at least one foreign country every month except for December. Without further ado, let’s unpack 2022!

What You Think is Holding You Back vs. What is Actually Holding You Back as a Digital Business Owner

What You Think is Holding You Back vs. What is Actually Holding You Back as a Digital Business Owner

I've worked with many early-stage freelancers and digital entrepreneurs, and have uncovered some major mindset shifts on what they think is holding them back versus what is actually holding them back. Here are 3 things you think are holding you back, and what is probably actually holding you back instead (with solutions)!

Energy Management vs. Time Management

Energy Management vs. Time Management

I've talked about self-awareness around optimizing your day for your best energy for years, because it can make such a difference in your life, especially if you are a digital entrepreneur (or side hustling outside a 9-5).​ Being productive and efficient is important when it comes to time management, but also having self-awareness around your energy will significantly help you be more productive because you are working with your body and not against it.

What Type of Travel Insurance Is Best for Digital Nomads

What Type of Travel Insurance Is Best for Digital Nomads

Is travel insurance necessary? What kind of travel insurance is best for digital nomads? If you’re like most travelers, both seasoned or new to the international travel scene, it’s likely that these questions have crossed your mind! Read on to see if travel insurance is right for you and the company I personally use and recommend.