Why People Will Never Travel With This Mindset

Why People Will Never Travel With This Mindset

How often have you said the sentence below?

"I want to travel, but - "

I know I have!

Traditionally, travel would have us doing the whole cycle of work-work-work-save, travel, repeat.

The thing is, for many of us, the whole work-work-work-save portion of the cycle is often

s t r e t c h e d    o u t   i n t o   y e a r s,

and the travel portion is significantly short.

Maybe we'll get to take that awesome trip for a week, and then go back to the grind to save up for another 1-3 years to *maybe* travel again, in the meantime hating the monotony, bland, boring day-to-day routine that lacks adventure.

It’s okay to be frustrated with this style of travel.

It’s also okay to want to do something about it.

How To Travel For Free, ASAP

How To Travel For Free, ASAP

Everyone wants to travel, but wouldn't it be nice if you could do it for free?

With money on flights and hotel alone, we're talking hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars spent on travel in the traditional sense, more if it's international.

...Did you know that traveling for free is actually possible? 

Here's how to hack BOTH your housing and your flights so you can travel for free, and how you can do it ASAP.

How To Make Friends In a Foreign Country: 7 Ways To Meet People Abroad

How To Make Friends In a Foreign Country: 7 Ways To Meet People Abroad

If you're thinking of moving to a foreign country where you don't know anyone, the thought of making friends can be intimidating.

When you pick up your life and move across the world there are a lot of factors that come into play, like if you should sell your furniture or sell your car.

We get so caught up in the preparation aspect that sometimes we forget about what happens after the move. (Good things, of course! But still things you want to think about!)

Here are seven ways you can meet people and make friends around the world, whether you're moving for a job, traveling solo, or going with friends/family!

Want To Travel More? Be a Weekend Jetsetter

Want To Travel More? Be a Weekend Jetsetter

Is it worth it to travel over the weekend and come back to work/school/other commitments? Don't you get tired?"

It's no secret that I will do whatever it takes to travel - within reason - and even though I work full time during the week, I get strategic with my weekends and vacation time. 

That's why when people ask me questions like the ones above, I respond: YES, it's worth it! And yeah, sometimes I get tired. But that depends on the trip. ;)

Weekend trips are great for a number of reasons: