How I Decided To Start a Blog

Have you ever done something interesting, fun, or cool and a bunch of people were asking you about it?

Maybe they wanted to do it too, or get your advice to see if it was right for them?

That's what happened when I was working as a tour guide + social media manager in Europe a few years ago. I was living in Italy and traveling to countries all over Europe on my weekends for work.

It wasn’t long after that I decided to start a blog, which has changed my life, eventually started making money, and leveraged my career in many ways.

Read on for my story and decide if this is something you may want to consider as well!

The Easiest Way To Use a Morning Routine To Get Ahead of Your Busy Days (And How To Stick To It)

Ever have days (weeks, months) that slip by and you feel like you didn't do anything for yourself?

The hamster wheel keeps turning and your life is trucking along smoothly, feels like you're just simply getting through your work/errands/commitments? Like you're not fully living?

Enter: a quick and efficient morning routine

Before you call me crazy from telling you to add yet another thing to you daily to-do list, let me explain. :)