The Best Self-Improvement Audiobooks for Digital Nomads

The Best Self-Improvement Audiobooks for Digital Nomads

One of my favorite aspects about digital nomad life is the freedom you have as an online business owner or remote worker. The freedom you gain by working remotely – whether from the comforts of your home or another country where you can explore new places and diverse cultures at the same time - is the main reason why I wanted to become a digital nomad in the first place. And I’m not the only one - this flexible work arrangement is why 15.5 million people in the United States adopted a digital nomad lifestyle in 2021, and the numbers have only been growing. I started freelancing online all the way back at the end of 2016 when remote work was pretty much unheard of…and now it’s mainstream, with many options for people seeking a flexible travel lifestyle.

Something to understand about remote work is that (especially when you’re traveling), it’s not vacation land 100% of the time. As a working traveler, it is importat to cultivate essential traits in order to successfully navigate the remote landscape. You need to be capable of time management, and, most importantly, willing to work on self-growth or self-improvement. The last trait is particularly helpful in improving skills and well-being while managing a work-and-travel lifestyle.

Thankfully, online resources like audiobooks are useful self-improvement tools that can help digital nomads prosper. In fact, dedicating time to my own self-improvement through both audiobooks and physical books is something I truly believe has helped my business thrive and continue to be a digital nomad for so many years. Below are some benefits of audiobooks with some of the best self-improvement audiobooks for digital nomads!

Why audiobooks?

Research shows that audiobooks are convenient options people can access easily during their commutes – something digital nomads are used to doing regularly as they travel from place to place. Since listening to audiobooks is a hands-free activity, digital nomads can gain helpful insights while traveling or working, thus increasing productivity. Personally, I love turning audiobooks on during road trips or long drives, train rides, or flights to a new destinations. Today, anyone can access a wide range of self-improvement audiobooks on the digital library Everand, such as Craig Roschel’s Winning the War in Your Mind. The platform also allows users to customize listening times and align them with the duration of their commute. Libby is another option that offers audiobooks on self-improvement from your local library’s catalog, but access might be limited depending on your area as it's only available in around 50 countries worldwide.

Here are some titles you can check out:

5 Self-improvement audiobooks for digital nomads

Infinite Entrepreneur by Ally Archer

I couldn’t begin this post without mentioning my own audiobook, Infinite Entrepreneur! Infinite Entrepreneur is the perfect title for those looking to create a flexible travel lifestyle through entrepreneurship, namely, freelance work you can do from anywhere in the world. The audiobook, which runs for 6.5 hours, takes the reader step-by-step through the ideation, launch, and growth phase of a freelance business that is designed for consistent recurring revenue. Plus, I include short travel stories in memoir-style format at the start of each chapter before diving into each chapter’s business steps (which are related to the story). And since this is the audiobook version, every chapter begins with immersive travel sounds to bring you into the destination of that story. Learn more here.

Digital Nomads for Dummies by Kristin M. Wilson

If this is your first time embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, or you simply want to improve how you can manage the work-and-travel routine, Kristin M. Wilson’s Digital Nomads for Dummies is the right audiobook for you. Running for 10 hours, this work provides tips and tricks on building a nomad mindset, from ensuring that your income keeps flowing to creating a relocation plan while enjoying new and beautiful destinations. It also provides insights on how to keep growing professionally wherever you are.

Think Faster, Talk Smarter by Matt Abrahams 

Just because you’re working remotely doesn’t mean you won’t have to communicate with many people. In fact, it might be the other way around, especially if you need to engage with the locals in your area. In that case, you should listen to expert communicator Matt Abrahams’ audiobook guide Think Faster, Talk Smarter. The seven-hour-long audiobook contains science-backed strategies to help digital nomads speak confidently and make a good impression – whether you’re in a virtual client meeting or asking locals for directions!

Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel

According to experts, embracing a digital nomad lifestyle can affect your mental or emotional well-being since you’re far away from your loved ones. This can cause a lot of uncertainties, leading to anxiety. Thankfully, Craig Groeschel’s Winning the War in Your Mind, which runs for four hours, contains lessons on how to rewire your brain by recognizing and addressing triggers that lead to destructive thinking. It’s an insightful work that teaches you how to battle self-doubt and negative thoughts, helping you enjoy digital nomadism to the fullest.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Digital nomad life introduces you to an entirely different lifestyle, and you may have difficulty adjusting. Luckily, Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has you covered. The New York Times bestseller provides a principle-centered approach to help you become an effective professional in your flexible setup. Some habits included in the audiobook are being productive, putting first things first, and thinking with a win/win or positive mindset. With so much insight, it’s no wonder it was named the number one most influential business book of the 21st century.  

Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle is a great way to embrace your free-spirited personality, but it also requires you to keep improving and adapt to various places and situations. Consider listening to some of these self-improvement audiobooks to help boost your skills and well-being during your adventures!